Anglican Fellowship of Prayer

Prayer is to the spiritual life what oxygen is to the physical life. The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (Canada) exists to encourage and enable the ministry of prayer in Canada.

This ministry is inclusive of all forms and/or expressions of Christian church life, whether lay or clergy, catholic or evangelical, monastic or secular, formal or informal.

More specifically we endeavour:

  • to promote the practice of prayer by all Christians;
  • to encourage prayer for lay people, Bishops and other clergy of the Christian Church with particular emphasis on the worldwide Anglican Communion;
  • to bring people into a full redeeming, sanctifying communion with God through Jesus Christ, with a particular emphasis on the parish church, from which all other work of the Church in the world is derived;
  • to be a uniting force within the Church;  and
  • to reach out to all Christians at the grass-roots level through the common experience of one Lord through prayer, dialogue, workshops and conferences.

Within the St. Peter’s parish community, the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (Canada) provides resources for individuals and groups to grow in the life of prayer. These include resources such as:

  • A Rule of Life;
  • Beginning to Pray;
  • Intercessory Prayers;
  • Contemplative Prayer;
  • Teaching Children to Pray;
  • Keeping a Holy Lent;
  • A Practical Guide to Fasting;
  • A Self-Examination Using the Ten Commandments; and
  • A Self-Examination Using the Beatitudes.

All parish Anglican Fellowship of Prayer resources are available free of charge at the back of our worship space.

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