St. Peter’s has established a Pre-Authorized Giving program using automated bank account debit to assist you in financially supporting the various ministries of the parish.
The advantages to this method of financial support are:
- convenience, in that your offering is received automatically on a monthly or semi-monthly basis;
- there is no interruption of your financial support when you are away from the parish;
- changes can be made to your financial support at any time (with a written request from you to the parish);
- the parish has a more consistent cash flow to cover our expenditures; and
- There is less administration involved than with traditional envelope giving.
When you sign-up for the Pre-Authorized Giving program, your bank account is automatically debited on the first or fifteenth day of the month (or both) and deposited into the parish account.
To enroll in this program simply:
- decide on the amount of financial support you wish to offer to the parish each month;
- decide whether you want to provide this amount on a monthly or semi-monthly basis;
- choose whether you want your offering to be taken from your account on the first or fifteenth day of the month (or both, if choosing semi-monthly support);
- print and complete the “Pre-Authorized Giving Program” application form on this website;
- attach a void cheque to your application; and
- place the application form and void cheque in an envelope and place it in the offering plate at worship, or drop it off to the parish office directly.
You will still be provided with a box of envelopes as these contain envelopes for special donations, such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, the Building Fund, and the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF). Your use of these envelopes – or not – is completely at your discretion.
You will receive an income tax receipt for your total donations to the parish in early February each year.
Please feel free to contact the parish office if you have any question or concerns about the Pre-Authorized Giving program.