By virtue of our baptism, we are each a full member of the one holy catholic and apostolic Church, with all the inherent benefits and responsibilities. For those baptized as infants, the sacrament of Confirmation provides an opportunity to confirm the baptismal vows entered into by parents and sponsors on their behalf. In other words, Confirmation is the point in our lives when we take full responsibility for our baptismal vows. The candidate for Confirmation does this before God, our Bishop and the gathered Christian community. The Bishop will then “lay hands” upon the head of the candidate and pray for the strengthening of the Holy Spirit in their life.
The decision to confirm one’s baptismal vows is the candidate’s – and the candidate’s alone. This decision should neither be entered into lightly nor without all the relevant information required to make such an important decision. Our youth Confirmation program (offered to those who are eleven years old by December 31st) provides candidates with the opportunity to learn about God, the Christian faith, and the Church, as well as to explore what it means to live the Christian life. It generally runs from September through May each year, with the Confirmation service taking place before the end of the school year.
Persons older than 12 years of age who wish to Confirm their baptismal vows will undergo a less formal period of instruction with the parish clergy (normally during the session of Lent).
For more information on the sacrament of Confirmation and our youth Confirmation program, please contact the parish office.